Department of Childhood EducationInstructor


  • Apr. 2024 - Present
    Seinan Gakuin University, Department of Human Sciences, 講師
  • Oct. 2022 - Mar. 2024
    University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, 特任助教
  • Apr. 2020 - Sep. 2022
    茨城県立医療大学, 人間科学センター, 特任助手


  • Shared leadership of athletes in college ball games team sports
    Taiki Murakami; Tsuyoshi Matsumoto
    コーチング学研究, Lead, 37(1), 1-11, Oct. 2023, Reviewed
  • Injury profile in male collegiate rugby union players
    Ogaki Ryo; Ogura Ayane; Kim Hyunjae; Murakami Taiki; Shimasaki Tatsuya; Takemura Masahiro
    Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 72(3), 227-241, Jun. 2023, Reviewed
  • Incidence, Severity, and Burden of Ankle Sprains in Male Collegiate Rugby Union Players
    Ogaki R; Nariai M; Otake G; Ogura A; Murakami T; Takemura M
    International Journal of Sports and Health Science, 20, 83-90, Apr. 2022, Reviewed
  • Characteristics of Game Aspects due to Differences in the Number of Competitors in Rugby Football: Focusing on 10-a-side Rugby
    Furukawa, Takuo; Murakami, Taiki; Shimasaki, Tatsuya; Nakagawa, Akira
    Football Science, 17, 16-28, Jan. 2020, Reviewed
  • The epidemiology of muscle strain in male collegiate rugby players
    OGAKI,Ryo; OTAKE,Gento; NAKANE,Satoko; KOSASA,Yukiko; KANNO,Yosuke; MURAKAMI,Taiki; TANIGAWA,Satoru; TAKEMURA,Masahiro
    Japanese Journal of Athletic Training, 5(2), 123-132, 2020, Reviewed

Books and other publications

  • ラグビーのコーチング学
    大修館書店, Apr. 2024

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 大学球技系チームスポーツにおけるアスリートリーダーシップの経時的変化
    村上大記; 松元剛
  • ゲームベースアプローチとは
    松元剛; 村上, 大記; 渕上真帆
  • A coaching of fly-half’s “draw and pass” skills in rugby union on game-based approach
    Murakami, Taiki; Tsuyoshi, Matsumoto
    AIESEP World Congress 2022
  • アスリートのリーダーシップに関する研究の動向と今後の展望
    村上大記; 松元, 剛
  • 大学スポーツにおけるリーダーシップの様相
    村上, 大記; 松元剛
  • 大学競技スポーツにおけるリーダーシップに関する研究
    村上, 大記; 谷川聡; 河合季信; 松元剛

Academic society affiliations

  • Mar. 2022 - Present
  • May 2021 - Present