Department of Economics | Professor |
Educational Background
- Multi-Sectoral Econometric Model
Tsuneaki Hattori; Norihisa Sakurai; Chuman Masahiro
電力経済研究, Corresponding, (27), 17-30-30, Mar. 1990, Not reviewed - Development of Multi-Sectoral Model '89
Tsuneaki Hattori; Masahiro Chuma
CRIEPI Research Report, Corresponding, (Y89004), 1-32-32, Nov. 1989, Not reviewed - 個別地域計量経済モデルと地域経済データの開発
Chuman Masahiro
Studies in Regional Science, Lead, 17, 181-214-214, Nov. 1987, Reviewed - 東北地域計量経済モデルの開発
Masahiro Chuma
CRIEPI Research Report, Lead, (Y86005), 1-32-32, Apr. 1987, Not reviewed - Develpment of Regional Econometric Model
Masahiro Chuma
電力経済研究, Lead, (20), 75-102-102, Jan. 1986, Not reviewed - An Analysis of the Economy in Chugoku Region by An Econometric Model
Masahiro Chuma; Yoshinori Matsuura
CRIEPI Research Report, Lead, (Y585004), 1-78-78, Sep. 1985, Not reviewed - 社会経済データの開発 その1 製造業資本ストック・社会資本ストックの推計
Toru Ohkawara; Yoshinori Matsuura; Masahiro Chuman
CRIEPI Research Report, Corresponding, (Y585003), Aug. 1985, Not reviewed - 発電所立地の社会経済影響予測
Toru Ohkawara; Masahiro Chuma
CRIEPI Report, Corresponding, (18), 41-68, Jan. 1985, Not reviewed - Interregional Economic-Demographic Model of the Tokyo Region
Takao Fukuchi; Masahiro Chuma; Makoto Yamaguchi
SOCIO-ECONOMIC PLANNING SCIENCES, Corresponding, 17(5-6), 329-344-344, 1983, Reviewed - 都市経済循環の分析手法についてー東京都市圏モデルの構築ー
Takao Fukuchi; Makoto Yamaguchi; Masahiro Chuma
The TOSHIMONDAI(The Municiapal Problems), Corresponding, 72(8), 43-62-62, Aug. 1981, Reviewed
- On Derivation of the Ordinary Least Squares Estimators By Completing the Square
Masahiro Chuman
The Economic Review of Seinan Gakuin University, Lead, 58(1・2・3・4), 41-58-58, Mar. 2024, Not reviewed - Second-Order Approximation of Gini Index from Grouped Observation Data
Masahiro Chuman
The Economic Review of Seinan Gakuin University, Lead, 46(1・2), 1-31-31, 22 Dec. 2011, Not reviewed - On A Role of Napier's Number
Chuman Masahiro
The Economic Review of The Seinan Gakuin University, Lead, 34(4), 1-75-75, 09 Mar. 2000, Not reviewed - A Measurement of Japanese Regional Disparity with the Gini Coefficient
CHUMA Masahiro
OIKONOMIKA, Lead, 33(3・4), 137-155-155, 31 Mar. 1997, Not reviewed - On a Regional Stock Estimation Method
中馬 正博
The Economic Review of The Seinan Gakuin University, Lead, 28(1), 1-19-19, 15 Jun. 1993, Not reviewed - A Study of Capital Stock Estimation Method and Its Application to Reginal Manufacturing Industry
Masahiro Chuman
The Economic Review of The Seinan Gakuin University, Lead, 27(4), 47-84-84, 15 Mar. 1993, Not reviewed - On the Analysis of Regional Economic Trend
Masahiro Chuman
Urban Policy Studies, Lead, 14, 29-38-38, Dec. 1992, Not reviewed - An Econometric Analysis of the Impacts of Industrial Location
Masahiro Chuman
The Economic Review of Seinan Gakuin University, Lead, 26(4), 137-185-185, 16 Mar. 1992, Not reviewed - An Econometric Forecasting Model of Hokuriku Regional Economy
Masahiro Chuman
The Economic Review of The Seinan Gakuin University, Lead, 25(3), 89-132-132, 15 Dec. 1990, Not reviewed