Nakanishi Hiroshi
Department of Foreign Language Studies | Professor |
- Examining the Role of Prosody Shadowing in Sentence Comprehension for Japanese EFL Learners
Hiroshi Nakanishi
JASEC, 32, 49-59, Dec. 2023, Reviewed - Effects of Prosody Shadowing on Japanese EFL Learners’ Processing of Object Relative Clauses in English
Hiroshi Nakanishi
西南学院大学外国語学論集, 3(2,3), 1-11, Feb. 2023, Not reviewed - Using Prosodic Cues in Syntactic Processing: From the Perspective of the English Proficiency
Hiroshi Nakanishi
JASEC, Lead, 30(1), 17-28, Dec. 2021, Reviewed - プロソディー情報がリスニングスパンテストの文理解と文末単語再生成績に及ぼす影響について
中西 弘
西南学院大学学術研究所外国語学論集, Lead, 2(1), 1-16, Jul. 2021, Not reviewed - The Effects of Shadowing on Implicit and Explicit Knowledge Use for Japanese Learners of English
Kadota, S; Hase, N; Kawasaki, M; Nakanishi, H; Nakano, Y; Noro, T; Shiki, O
Journal of the Japan Society for Speech Sciences, 21(21), 19-38, Jun. 2020, Reviewed - Effects of Content Shadowing Training for Japanese EFL Learners on Sound Perception Skills, Realization of Prosody, and Articulation Rates
Hiroshi Nakanishi
Journal of the Japan Society for Speech Sciences, 21, 39-60, Jun. 2020, Reviewed - How Lexical Familiarity Affects Reading Span: An Empirical Study with Japanese EFL Learners
Nakanishi, H; Narumi, T; Hashimoto, K; Yokokawa, H
Journal of the Japan Society for Speech Sciences, 20, 31-49, May 2019, Reviewed - シャドーイング遂行中の注意の向け方とその効果
英語英文学, 103, 1-11, Mar. 2019, Not reviewed - The Effect of the Attentional Aspect of Language Processing on Sound Perception in L2 Repeating Compared to L2 Shadowing for Japanese EFL Learners
Hiroshi Nakanishi
JASEC, 27(1), 1-12, Dec. 2018, Reviewed - Lexical-semantic Driven Processing during Sentence Comprehension by Japanese EFL Learners: Evidence from Task Effects on On-line Processing of Linguistic Information(査読付)、共著、2018年5月、ことばの科学研究、第19号、pp.43-61.(19頁).共同執筆者:Narumi, T., Hashimoto, K., Nakanishi,
Tomoyuki Narumi; Kenichi Hashimoto; Hiroshi Nakanishi; Hirokazu Yokokawa
Journal of the Japan Society for Speech Sciences, 19, 43-61, May 2018, Reviewed - Psychological Mechanisms on Reading Comprehension
中西 弘
東北學院大學論集. 英語英文学, (101), 81-86, Mar. 2017, Not reviewed - Task Effects on On-line Processing of Linguistic Information during L2 Sentence Comprehension : A Self-Paced Reading Study
鳴海 智之; 橋本 健一; 中西 弘; 横川 博一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報, 116(368), 75-80, Dec. 2016, Not reviewed - タスクが第二言語文理解時における言語情報処理に与える影響 : 自己ペース読み課題による検討
鳴海智之; 橋本健一; 中西弘; 横川博一
信学技報(電子情報通信学会技術研究報告), 116(368), 51-62, Dec. 2016, Reviewed - The Effect of Contents Shadowing on English Sound Perception for Japanese English Learners
Hiroshi Nakanishi
JASEC, 25, 33-44, Dec. 2016, Reviewed - Prior Contextual Influence on Syntactic Processing―From the Perspective of Japanese EFL Learners’ Working Memory Capacity
Hiroshi Nakanishi
The Tohoku English Language Education Society, 35, 51-62, Mar. 2015, Reviewed - The Effect of Shadowing on the Subvocal Rehearsal in L2 Reading
Shuhei Kadota; Mariko Kawasaki; Osato Shiki; Naoya Hase; Yoko Nakano; Tadashi Noro; Hiroshi Nakanishi; Koji Kazai
LET, 52(52), 163-177, Mar. 2015, Reviewed - シンポジウム報告 ワーキングメモリ容量と英文理解 (特集 理解・産出能力を伸ばすための教室指導とは? : 心理言語学・脳科学・第二言語習得の研究成果から)
中西 弘
ことばの科学研究 = Journal of the Japan Society for Speech Sciences, (15), 6-8, 2014, Not reviewed - 英語シャドーイングが英語読解プロセスに与える影響:近赤外分光法による脳内処理メカニズムの検討
門田修平; 中野陽子; 風井浩志; 川崎眞理子; 氏木道人; 中西弘; 野呂忠司; 長谷尚弥
日本認知科学会大会発表論文集(CD-ROM), 31st, ROMBUNNO.P2-11-461, 2014, Not reviewed - The Relation of Lexical Constraints and the Parsing of Prepositional Phrases: From the Perspective of Japanese EFL Learners’ Working Memory Capacity
Hiroshi Nakanishi
The Tohoku English Language Education Society, 33(33), 87-98, Mar. 2013, Reviewed - The Effect of Shadowing on the Development of English Proficiency
中西 弘
東北學院大學論集. 英語英文学, (97), 117-123, Mar. 2013, Not reviewed - How Japanese EFL Learners Make Use of Semantic Information within their Working Memory Capacity in the Parsing of Prepositional Phrases
Hiroshi Nakanishi
The Tohoku English Language Education Society, 32(32), 69-81, Mar. 2012, Reviewed - The Contribution of Working Memory Capacity to Processing Sentences with Prepositional Phrases for Japanese EFL Learners
ARELE: Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan, 23(0), 281-296, 2012, Reviewed - Japanese EFL Learners’ Tendency Toward Syntactic Production in a Picture- Description Task: Establishing a Baseline for Syntactic Priming Experiments
Kaori Sugiura; Tomoko Hori; Emiko Izumi; Shuhei Kadota; Yoko Nakano; Miwa Morishita; Ai Hirai; Hiroshi Nakanishi; Yukari Isobe; Tomoko Saito; Hisaki Satoi; Satoshi Yabuuchi
JACET Chubu Journal, 9, 139-152, Dec. 2011, Reviewed - The Contribution of Lexical Processing Ability to Efficient Functioning of Working Memory in Japanese EFL Learners
Kaori Sugiura; Hiroshi Nakanishi
JACET Chubu Journal, 9, 123-138, Dec. 2011, Reviewed - The effect of cognitive load through processing factors on the recall performance in reading span tests of Japanese EFL learners
Technical report of IEICE. Thought and language, 111(320), 49-54, Nov. 2011, Not reviewed - リーディングスパンテストの再生成績に影響を与える処理要因
中西弘; 横川博一
信学技報、 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 111(320), 49-54, Nov. 2011, Not reviewed - Determinant processing factors of recall performance in reading span tests: an empirical study of Japanese EFL learners
Jacet journal, 53(53), 93-108, Oct. 2011, Reviewed - The Relation of L2 Working Memory Capacity of Japanese EFL Learners with the Resolution of Lexical Ambiguity
Hiroshi Nakanishi
The Tohoku English Language Education Society, 31(31), 93-103, Mar. 2011, Reviewed - The New Index Score of the L2 Reading Span Test: The Relationship between L2 Working Memory Span and the Processing of Garden Path Sentences
Hiroshi Nakanishi
Journal of Institute for Research in English Language and Literature, Tohoku Gakuin University, 36, 191-200, Mar. 2011, Reviewed - SLA1 The Usefulness of Reaction Time Data for L2 Research and Classroom(SLA,College English Curriculum Innovation in the 'New' Age of International Exchange)
Kadota Shuhei; Akamatsu Nobuhiko; Nakanishi Hiroshi; Hase Naoya
JACET全国大会要綱, 48, 153-154, 2009, Not reviewed - How L2 Working Memory Capacity in Japanese EFL Learners Is Related to the Processing of Filler-Gap Sentences
ARELE: Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan, 19(0), 191-200, Mar. 2008, Reviewed - Insights into second language working memory : An empirical study for Japanese learners of English
Hiroshi Nakanishi
Doctoral thesis, Kwansei Gakuin University, 1-219, Mar. 2007, Reviewed - How L2 Working Memory Capacity for Japanese EFL Learners Are Related with Processing of Garden Path Sentences
ARELE: Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan, 18(0), 191-200, Mar. 2007, Reviewed - The relationships between the central executive tasks and the spans for sentences and spatial rotations ―Psycholinguistic experiment for Japanese EFL learners
Hiroshi Nakanishi
Journal of the Japan Society for Speech Sciences, 7(7), 1-18, Jun. 2006, Reviewed - How memory spans for reading, listening and spatial thinking are related with reading and listening comprehension for Japanese EFL Learners (査読付)、単著、2005年12月、言語コミュニケーション文化 Vol.3(関西学院大学大学院言語コミュニケーション文化学会)、pp.123-137. (15頁)
Hiroshi Nakanishi
Language, Communication, and Culture, Kwansei Gakuin University, 3, 123-137, Dec. 2005, Reviewed - How memory spans for digits, calculations and sentences are related with reading comprehension for Japanese EFL learners
Hiroshi Nakanishi
Master thesis, Kwansei Gakuin University, 1-173, Mar. 2004, Reviewed
- 記憶容量を効率よく使うための読解指導
中西 弘
英語教育, 63(4), 16-17, Jul. 2014, Not reviewed - 読解能力を高める指導方法を探る
中西 弘
英語教育, 62(10), 26-27, Dec. 2013, Not reviewed - M070 Exploring the Roles of Lexical Processing in Second Language Proficiency : Using the Newly Developed Vocabulary Processing Test(CHALLENGES FOR TERTIARY ENGLISH EDUCATION-JACET's Role in the next Fifty Years) :
Hase N; Ikemura D; Kadota S; Shiki O; Shimamoto T; Sugiura K; Tsurii C; Nakanishi H; Yamashina M
JACET全国大会要綱, 50, 101-101, 2011, Not reviewed
Books and other publications
- 第二言語習得研究が解き明かす外国語の学習
川﨑眞理子, 中西弘, 西村浩子, 三木浩平
くろしお出版, Mar. 2024 - 日英対照言語学シリーズ(発展編)『心理言語学』
Others, 第3章 文理解・統語の獲得
朝倉書店, Mar. 2017 - 小学校英語教育の基礎知識
137, Not reviewed - 最新英語学・言語学用語辞典
Not reviewed - 英単語運用力判定ソフトを使った語彙指導
門田修平; 野呂忠司; 氏木道人; 長谷尚弥
Not reviewed - 外国語運用能力は、いかに熟達化するか―言語情報処理の自動化プロセスを探る
横川博一; 定藤規弘; 吉田晴世
193, Not reviewed - 英語音読指導ハンドブック
鈴木寿一; 門田修平
332, Not reviewed - 教育・研究のための第二言語データベース 日本人英語学習者の英単語親密度<音声編>
Not reviewed - ことばと認知のしくみ
河野守夫; 集主; 井狩幸男; 石川圭一; 門田修平; 村田純一; 根繁
309, Not reviewed - 英語語法文法研究の新展開
田中実; 神崎高明
227, Not reviewed
Lectures, oral presentations, etc.
Research Themes
- The effects of social-brain shadowing on learning English as a foreign language
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Kwansei Gakuin University
01 Apr. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2027 - Developing and validating a training program to improve domain-specific working memory efficiency in second language.
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)
Nagoya University
30 Jun. 2023 - 31 Mar. 2026 - 英語シャドーイングで話者の顔動画をみる効果:NIRSによる脳内処理機構の解明
- シャドーイングが処理効率・プロソディ生成に及ぼす影響:学習者の注意を操作した効果
- ワーキングメモリ容量が第二言語フィラーギャップ文処理過程に与える影響
- 英語シャドーイング・音読の認知過程とその効果:NIRSによる脳内処理機構の解明
- 統語処理に各種言語情報が及ぼす影響―ワーキングメモリ容量の個人差からのアプローチ
- 日本人英語学習者のワーキングメモリ容量が統語的曖昧文の処理過程に及ぼす影響