ユスチナ W.カシャ



  • 日本文学、世界文学、比較文学、翻訳学


  • 人文・社会, 日本文学, 日本文学、世界文学、比較文学、翻訳学


  • Autofiction and shishosetsu: Japanese Women Writers and Reinventing the Self
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    The Autofictional: Approaches, Affordances, Forms, 247-266, 2022年01月, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • Sekai wa bungaku de dekiteiru: teaching Japanese literature as world literature
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
  • Book chapter: “Mitsuko, that’s me! autobiographical space in Endō Shūsaku’s last major novel, Deep River”
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Book title: Navigating Deep River: New Perspectives on Shusaku Endo's Final Novel (edited by Mark W Dennis and Darren J.N. Middleton), 197-212, 2020年04月, 査読有り, 招待有り
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Journal of East-West Thought, Fall(September), 69-86, 2019年09月, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • 「テレーズの影を追って」から「アウシュビッツ収容所を見て」まで:遠藤周作のエッセイと評論における悪の翻訳不可能性
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    遠藤周作研究, 10(Special Issue), 13-24, 2017年10月, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • “The Ethics of Difference: Japanese Writers in Search for Sources and Inspirations”
    Post-conference publication: Rethinking Orient: In Search of Sources and Inspirations, Studies in Oriental Culture and Literature 4 New edition, 91-102, 2017年10月, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • ‘Próba Innego: literatura japońska w sieci doświadczeń translacyjnych’ (‘The Trial of the Foreign’: Japanese Literature in the network of Translational Experiences’),
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Edith Stein Research Centre Special Issue On Experience, 49-66, 2017年, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • ‘Kikō – zapiski z samotnej podróży’ (Kikō: Notes on Solitary Journey)
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    The Phenomenon of Loneliness: Journal of Edith Stein Research Centre, 12, 147-160, 2015年, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • ‘The ‘otherness’ in the Literary Experience of Endo Shusaku: Encounters and Exchanges’
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    The IAFOR Academic Review, 1(3), 14-19, 2015年, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • ‘Polysemy of the Other: Endō Shūsaku’s Encounter with the West’
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    IAFOR The Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship Journal, special issue title Interpretative Encounters, (Spring Issue), 43-55, 2013年05月, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • ‘A Place where Death Keeps Watch: Endō Shūsaku – a Japanese Christian Writer in Auschwitz’
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    The International Journal of the Humanities, 9(7), 197-210, 2012年11月, 招待有り
  • ‘The Hermeneutics of the Encounter with the West: the Case of Endō Shūsaku’ (post-conference paper)
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Silva Iaponicarum (Quarterly on Japanology): Special Edition Japan: New Challenges in the 21st Century, 241-256, 2012年11月, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • ‘Otherness in the Literary Experience of Endō Shūsaku: Encounters and Exchanges’
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    IAFOR Journal, 73-89, 2012年06月, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • The Cognitive Functions of Distanciation: The Image of Japan in the Works of Endō Shūsaku
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Post-conference publication: Japan as Image, 35-50, 2010年04月, 査読有り, 招待有り
  • Receiving Baptism Every Day: Endō Shūsaku in the Face of Problems Concerning Converted Writer (Including my translation of Endō Shūsaku’s essay ‘Christianity and I’).
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Edith Stein Research Centre Series: Special Issue on Great Spiritual Conversions, 5, 2009年12月, 査読有り, 招待有り



  • 「グローバル時代の〈私小説〉」「時代・ジャンル・言語を越えた私小説」
    Justyna Weronika Kasza (ユスチナ・カシャ)
    「私」から考える文学史の会, 2023年02月, 招待有り
  • Spacing the memory: Shiraishi Kazufumi and the limits of human cognition (panel discussion: Spaces seen and unseen in Literature in Japanese (1989-2019).
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, 2021年02月, 招待有り
  • The mode of self-reading: Japanese female writers and the (re)invention of autofiction
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Autofiction: Theory, Practices, Cultures - A Comparative Perspective, 2019年10月, 招待有り
  • From isolation to the world: The prospects and challenges for littérature engagée in Japan
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Reclaiming the Future: The 10th Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities organized by IAFOR (International Academic Forum), 29-31 March 2019, 2019年03月, 招待有り
  • 「遠藤周作と世界文学を学ぶ」
    Justyna Weroinka Kasza
    特別講演, 2019年03月, 招待有り
  • 「遠藤周作における悪の解釈学」
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    特別講演, 2018年12月, 招待有り
  • ‘I take on my readers’ nationality: French response to Japanese literature in Global Age’
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    2018年12月, 招待有り
  • ‘European frameworks of Endō Shūsaku’s literature: A hermeneutic approach’: World Literature and Philosophies Series
    2018年04月, 招待有り
  • Trapped in the World: the Globalized “I” and the Search of the Authenticity in the works of Murakami Haruki
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Academic Conference: 40 years with Murakami Haruki, 2018年03月, 招待有り
  • ‘Sekai wa bungaku de dekiteiru – teaching Japanese literature as world literature’
    International Conference: Problems and Perspectives for Japan in a Changing World: Thirty Years of Japanese Studies in Poznan (7-9 December 2017), 2017年12月, 招待有り
  • The “I” in the making: on (un)translatability of the self in Japanese shishōsetsu
    2017 ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association) Annual Meeting, University of UtrechtSeminar title: “Translating the Self: Challenges and Prospects of Intracultural Translation”, 2017年07月
  • “Mitsuko, that’s me! autobiographical space in Endō Shūsaku’s last major novel, Deep River”
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Participant of Roundtable Session entitled Navigating “Deep River”: An Interdisciplinary Discussion of Shusaku Endo’s Last Novel organized by the Association for Asian Studies – 2017 Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 16-19 March 2017, 2017年03月, 招待有り
  • 「沈黙は世界でどう読まれたか:遠藤周作とポーランド」
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    遠藤周作没後20年・『沈黙』刊行50年記念国際シンポジウム, 2016年08月, 招待有り
  • “Following the Shadow of Thérèse: Japanese literature and the Hermeneutics of Translation”
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Talk presented at the Colloquium ‘World Literature and Circulation’, Institute for World Literature, Harvard University, 2016年06月, 招待有り
  • The Ethics of Difference: Japanese Writers in Search for Sources and Inspirations
    3rd International Conference on Oriental Literatures and Orient in Literary Texts ‘Sources & Inspirations’ organized by Faculty of Languages, Nicolaus Copernicus University (Torun, Poland) and Polish Oriental Society, 2016年03月, 招待有り
  • 「遠藤周作と解釈学:サロン遠藤周作の世界に参加して」
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Public lecture presented at the monthly seminar organized by the Society of Endō Shūsaku Studies at Keiō University, Tokyo, Japan, 2015年03月, 招待有り
  • ‘Against the “death of the author”: the problem of authorship in Japanese literature’
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Language, Culture and Literature Seminar at University of Central Lancashire, 2015年02月, 招待有り
  • ‘Otherness in the Literary Experience of Endō Shūsaku: Encounters and Exchanges’
    Librasia2012: The Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship organized by IAFOR (International Academic Forum), 2012年04月, 招待有り
  • ‘The Hermeneutics of the Encounter with the West: the Case of Endō Shūsaku’
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Conference: ‘Japan: New Challenges in the 21st Century’ organised by Oriental Institute, Japanese Studies, UAM Poznan, Poland (25th -27th November 2010)., 2010年11月, 招待有り