Department of International Relations LawProfessor

Field of study

  • Humanities & social sciences, International law, International law


  • 2009
  • 2009
    -:Legal Officer, Special Assistant to the President
  • 2002 - 2005
  • 2002 - 2005
    :Legal Officer, UN International Court of Justice, Department of Legal Matters, The Hague (The Netherlands)
  • 2000 - 2002
  • 2000 - 2002
    :Legal Officer, UN International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), Office of the Prosecutor, Legal Advisory Section, The Hague (The Netherlands).
  • International Court of Jutice (ICJ), The Hague (The Netherlands)

Committee Memberships

  • May 2024
    Committee Urbanization and International Law - Potential and Pitfalls, International Law Association
  • 07 Sep. 2020
    研究振興委員会, 国際法学会
  • Nov. 2017
    Member of the Study Group "Role of Cities in International Law", International Law Association


  • Sep. 2005
    Bourses France Excellence Eiffel, フランス政府


  • The Quest for Peace through Agency : Revisiting the Normative Framework of Crimes against Humanity
    Yukiko Takashiba
    Yearbook of World Law, 43, 43-77, Mar. 2024
  • "Sources and Law-making"
    Helmut Aust and Janne Nijman eds., Research Handbook on International Law and Cities (forthcoming), 121-134, Aug. 2021
  • 岩澤雄司他編『国際法のダイナミズム(小寺彰先生追悼論文集)』「国際海洋裁判所勧告的意見管轄権についての一考察」
    Mar. 2019
  • Gingerly Walking on the VCLT frontier? Reflections from a survey on the interpretive approach of the Japanese courts to treaties”, in Georg Nolte and Helmut Aust (eds), Domestic Courts and the Interpretation of International law – Converging Approach
  • Doria, J. and Takashiba, Y., " The War Crime of Conscripting Children into the Armed Forces under the ICC Statute" (Привлечение детей к военной службе как военное преступление в соответствии с Римским статутом Международного уголовного суда)(in Russian).
    TAKASHIBA Yukiko
    Bogush, G. and Trikoz, E. eds., МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЕ УГОЛОВНОЕ ПРАВОСУДИЕ, 2009, Not reviewed
  • 「人道に対する罪の内容確定 ー 追放・強制的な移送を題材として」
    高柴 優貴子
    藤田久一先生古希記念論文集, 2009, Not reviewed

Books and other publications

  • 岩澤雄司・岡野正敬編『国際関係と法の支配(小和田国際司法裁判所裁判官退官記念)』「国家間訴訟実務― 国際司法機関と当事国双方の観点からー」
    Single work, 101-118
    信山社, Jul. 2021
  • 森川他編別冊Jurist 国際法判例百選第3版 「103 第三国の訴訟参加 ー領域と海洋境界事件(カメルーン対ナイジェリア)」
    Single work
    有斐閣, 2021
  • 国際海洋裁判所勧告的意見管轄権についての一考察
    2018, Not reviewed

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • The Quest for Peace through Agency : Revisiting the Normative Framework of Crimes against Humanity
    Yukiko Takashiba
    Japanese Association of World Law, May 2023, Invited
  • The Role of the Government Attorney in Litigation before International Tribunals
    American Society of International Law, Oct. 2021, American Society of International Law
  • 国際法における「都市」(序論)
    九州国際法学会, Dec. 2019, 九州国際法学会
  • Effective Advocacy in Inter-State Litigation : From the Perspective of "In-house" Counsel within the Government
    London Conference on International Law, Oct. 2019, London Conference on International Law
  • Cities at the Frontiers of International Law and Governance : Migration
    Yukiko Takashiba
    2018 Biennial Conference of the International Law Association, Aug. 2018, International Law Association, Invited
  • The Role of Agent in International Law Disputes
  • The Role of Agent in International Law Disputes
    The Role of Agent in International Law Disputes, 2018, The Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore
  • 条約解釈プロセスと国際司法裁判所規程63条に基づく訴訟参加ー南極における捕鯨事件を題材としてー
    世界法学会, 2015, 世界法学会
  • "Whaling in the Antarctic - On the Judgement of the International Court of Justice"
    Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Apr. 2014, Invited
  • Towards universal community of values : Reflections on Crimes against Humanity
    Peace and Justice (財団法人村田学術振興財団, アジア国際法学会), Feb. 2009
  • ”Towards universal community of values : Reflections on Crimes against Humanity"
    "Peace and Justice", 2009
  • ”Towards universal community of values : Reflections on Crimes against Humanity"
    "Peace and Justice", 2009
  • 『国際司法機関の現状と役割』
    連続公開講演会 「グローバル・コミュニティの法的課題」 (第2回), Jun. 2005, 同志社大学, Invited
  • Vortrag von Peggy Kuo, Yukiko Takashiba und Marie Ursula Kind, Vertreterinnen der zum Beginn des Prozesses gegen Slobodan Milosevic.
    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Feb. 2002, Invited
  • « Responsabilité des supérieures hiérarchiques devant le Tribunal pénal pour l’ex-Yugoslavie»
    Cours du droit international humanitaire (仏語圏の軍関係者を対象とした国際人道法集中講義), Sep. 2001, International Institute of Humanitarian Law
  • The Role of Public International Law in the International Prosecution of International Crimes : the practice of International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
    University of Tokyo, Dec. 2000

Academic society affiliations

  • 世界法学会
  • International Law Association
  • European Society of International Law
  • 国際法学会
  • アジア国際法学会
  • International Law Association
  • European Society of International Law
  • Asian Society of International Law


  • Customary Insternational Humanitarian Law(entrusted by International Committee of the Red Cross)
    1997 - 1998
  • Customary Insternational Humanitarian Law(entrusted by International Committee of the Red Cross)
    1997 - 1998

Research Themes

  • Third-party involvement of States, State-like entities and international organizations in inter-State litigations
    01 Apr. 2019 - 01 Apr. 2021
  • Transitional Justice
    01 Apr. 2008 - 01 Apr. 2009
  • International Dispute Settlment
  • 国際刑事法 国際人道法
  • Transitional Justice
  • International Dispute Settlment
  • International Criminal Law International Humanitarian Law

Social Contribution Activities


  • 国際分野で活躍するための法律家キャリアセミナー
    14 Sep. 2019
  • 国際公法の実務研修連続講座:「国際司法裁判所(ICJ)の実務」
    28 Feb. 2017
  • Customary Insternational Humanitarian Law