Justyna Weronika Kasza

Department of Foreign Language StudiesProfessor

Research Keyword

  • Japanese Literature, World Literature, Comparative Literature, Translation Studies

Field of study

  • Humanities & social sciences, Literature - Japanese, Japanese literature, World Literature, Comparative Literature, Translation Studies


  • Autofiction and shishosetsu: Japanese Women Writers and Reinventing the Self
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    The Autofictional: Approaches, Affordances, Forms, 247-266, Jan. 2022, Reviewed, Invited
  • Sekai wa bungaku de dekiteiru: teaching Japanese literature as world literature
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
  • Book chapter: “Mitsuko, that’s me! autobiographical space in Endō Shūsaku’s last major novel, Deep River”
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Book title: Navigating Deep River: New Perspectives on Shusaku Endo's Final Novel (edited by Mark W Dennis and Darren J.N. Middleton), 197-212, Apr. 2020, Reviewed, Invited
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Journal of East-West Thought, Fall(September), 69-86, Sep. 2019, Reviewed, Invited
  • From “Following the Shadow of Thérèse” to “On Seeing Auschwitz Concentration Camp”: untranslatability of evil in Endō Shūsaku’s essays and critical texts
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Journal of Endo Shusaku Studies, 10(Special Issue), 13-24, Oct. 2017, Reviewed, Invited
  • “The Ethics of Difference: Japanese Writers in Search for Sources and Inspirations”
    Post-conference publication: Rethinking Orient: In Search of Sources and Inspirations, Studies in Oriental Culture and Literature 4 New edition, 91-102, Oct. 2017, Reviewed, Invited
  • ‘Próba Innego: literatura japońska w sieci doświadczeń translacyjnych’ (‘The Trial of the Foreign’: Japanese Literature in the network of Translational Experiences’),
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Edith Stein Research Centre Special Issue On Experience, 49-66, 2017, Reviewed, Invited
  • ‘Kikō – zapiski z samotnej podróży’ (Kikō: Notes on Solitary Journey)
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    The Phenomenon of Loneliness: Journal of Edith Stein Research Centre, 12, 147-160, 2015, Reviewed, Invited
  • ‘The ‘otherness’ in the Literary Experience of Endo Shusaku: Encounters and Exchanges’
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    The IAFOR Academic Review, 1(3), 14-19, 2015, Reviewed, Invited
  • ‘Polysemy of the Other: Endō Shūsaku’s Encounter with the West’
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    IAFOR The Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship Journal, special issue title Interpretative Encounters, (Spring Issue), 43-55, May 2013, Reviewed, Invited
  • ‘A Place where Death Keeps Watch: Endō Shūsaku – a Japanese Christian Writer in Auschwitz’
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    The International Journal of the Humanities, 9(7), 197-210, Nov. 2012, Invited
  • ‘The Hermeneutics of the Encounter with the West: the Case of Endō Shūsaku’ (post-conference paper)
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Silva Iaponicarum (Quarterly on Japanology): Special Edition Japan: New Challenges in the 21st Century, 241-256, Nov. 2012, Reviewed, Invited
  • ‘Otherness in the Literary Experience of Endō Shūsaku: Encounters and Exchanges’
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    IAFOR Journal, 73-89, Jun. 2012, Reviewed, Invited
  • The Cognitive Functions of Distanciation: The Image of Japan in the Works of Endō Shūsaku
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Post-conference publication: Japan as Image, 35-50, Apr. 2010, Reviewed, Invited
  • Receiving Baptism Every Day: Endō Shūsaku in the Face of Problems Concerning Converted Writer (Including my translation of Endō Shūsaku’s essay ‘Christianity and I’).
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Edith Stein Research Centre Series: Special Issue on Great Spiritual Conversions, 5, Dec. 2009, Reviewed, Invited

Books and other publications

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • 「グローバル時代の〈私小説〉」「時代・ジャンル・言語を越えた私小説」
    Justyna Weronika Kasza (ユスチナ・カシャ)
    「私」から考える文学史の会, Feb. 2023, Invited
  • Spacing the memory: Shiraishi Kazufumi and the limits of human cognition (panel discussion: Spaces seen and unseen in Literature in Japanese (1989-2019).
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Feb. 2021, Invited
  • The mode of self-reading: Japanese female writers and the (re)invention of autofiction
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Autofiction: Theory, Practices, Cultures - A Comparative Perspective, Oct. 2019, Invited
  • From isolation to the world: The prospects and challenges for littérature engagée in Japan
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Reclaiming the Future: The 10th Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities organized by IAFOR (International Academic Forum), 29-31 March 2019, Mar. 2019, Invited
  • Studying World Literature with Endō Shūsaku
    Justyna Weroinka Kasza
    Special lecture, Mar. 2019, Invited
  • Hermeneutics of Evil in the Works of Endō Shūsaku
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Special lecture, Dec. 2018, Invited
  • ‘I take on my readers’ nationality: French response to Japanese literature in Global Age’
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Dec. 2018, Invited
  • ‘European frameworks of Endō Shūsaku’s literature: A hermeneutic approach’: World Literature and Philosophies Series
    Apr. 2018, Invited
  • Trapped in the World: the Globalized “I” and the Search of the Authenticity in the works of Murakami Haruki
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Academic Conference: 40 years with Murakami Haruki, Mar. 2018, Invited
  • ‘Sekai wa bungaku de dekiteiru – teaching Japanese literature as world literature’
    International Conference: Problems and Perspectives for Japan in a Changing World: Thirty Years of Japanese Studies in Poznan (7-9 December 2017), Dec. 2017, Invited
  • The “I” in the making: on (un)translatability of the self in Japanese shishōsetsu
    2017 ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association) Annual Meeting, University of UtrechtSeminar title: “Translating the Self: Challenges and Prospects of Intracultural Translation”, Jul. 2017
  • “Mitsuko, that’s me! autobiographical space in Endō Shūsaku’s last major novel, Deep River”
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Participant of Roundtable Session entitled Navigating “Deep River”: An Interdisciplinary Discussion of Shusaku Endo’s Last Novel organized by the Association for Asian Studies – 2017 Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 16-19 March 2017, Mar. 2017, Invited
  • How was Silence Read around the World: Endō Shūsaku and Poland
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    International Symposium organized by Endō Shūsaku Literary Museum in Sotome and the City of Nagasaki Commemorating twentieth anniversary of Endō Shūsaku’s death and fiftieth anniversary of the publication of his novel Silence, Aug. 2016, Invited
  • “Following the Shadow of Thérèse: Japanese literature and the Hermeneutics of Translation”
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Talk presented at the Colloquium ‘World Literature and Circulation’, Institute for World Literature, Harvard University, Jun. 2016, Invited
  • The Ethics of Difference: Japanese Writers in Search for Sources and Inspirations
    3rd International Conference on Oriental Literatures and Orient in Literary Texts ‘Sources & Inspirations’ organized by Faculty of Languages, Nicolaus Copernicus University (Torun, Poland) and Polish Oriental Society, Mar. 2016, Invited
  • Endō Shūsaku and hermeneutics: Visiting The World of Endō Shūsaku Salon
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Public lecture presented at the monthly seminar organized by the Society of Endō Shūsaku Studies at Keiō University, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2015, Invited
  • ‘Against the “death of the author”: the problem of authorship in Japanese literature’
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Language, Culture and Literature Seminar at University of Central Lancashire, Feb. 2015, Invited
  • ‘Otherness in the Literary Experience of Endō Shūsaku: Encounters and Exchanges’
    Librasia2012: The Asian Conference on Literature and Librarianship organized by IAFOR (International Academic Forum), Apr. 2012, Invited
  • ‘The Hermeneutics of the Encounter with the West: the Case of Endō Shūsaku’
    Justyna Weronika Kasza
    Conference: ‘Japan: New Challenges in the 21st Century’ organised by Oriental Institute, Japanese Studies, UAM Poznan, Poland (25th -27th November 2010)., Nov. 2010, Invited