Department of International Relations LawProfessor


  • LL.B, Chuo University, Mar. 2002
  • LL.M, Chuo University, Mar. 2004

Research Keyword

  • International Labour Law
  • International Law of Culture
  • Psychological Approach to International Law
  • Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  • Legal Design
  • Plurality of Norms
  • Critical Approach to International Law
  • International Law of Development
  • International Economic Law
  • International Law
  • World Trade Organization

Field of study

  • Humanities & social sciences, International law, International Law


  • Apr. 2018 - Present
    Seinan Gakuin University, Faculty of Law, Professor (full-time, tenured)
  • Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2024
    Deakin University, Deakin Law School, Visiting Professor
  • Apr. 2020 - Mar. 2024
    Chuo University, The Institute of Social Sciences, Visiting Fellow
  • Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2023
    Seinan Gakuin University, Faculty of Law, Department of International Relations Law, Head of Department
  • Apr. 2022 - Sep. 2022
    Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, School of International and Area Studies, Adjunct Assistant Professor (part-time)
  • Apr. 2012 - Mar. 2018
    Seinan Gakuin University, Faculty of Law, Department of International Relations Law, Associate Professor
  • Feb. 2017 - Mar. 2017
    Aix-Marseille University, Faculty of Law, Visiting Researcher
  • Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2017
    University of Nagasaki, Faculty of Global Communication, Adjunct Assistant Professor (part-time)
  • Oct. 2014 - Mar. 2015
    The Open University of Japan, Adjunct Assistant Professor (part-time)
  • Apr. 2010 - Mar. 2012
    Seinan Gakuin University, Faculty of Law, Department of International Relations Law, Lecturer
  • Apr. 2006 - Mar. 2011
    Chuo University, Distance Learning Devision, Instructor
  • Sep. 2009 - Mar. 2010
    Aomori Chuo Gakuin University, Faculty of Management and Law, Adjunct Assistant Professor (part-time)
  • Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2009
    Chuo University, The Institute of Comparative Law in Japan, Research Assistant

Educational Background

  • Apr. 2007 - Mar. 2010, Chuo University, Graduate School of Law, Doctoral candidate (all but dissertation)
  • Apr. 2004 - Mar. 2007, Chuo University, Graduate School of Law, Doctor course (LL.D. candidate)
  • Sep. 2004 - Aug. 2005, Aix-Marseille III University, Centre for International and European Studies and Research, Doctor Course
  • Apr. 2002 - Mar. 2004, Chuo University, Graduate School of Law, Master of Laws (LL.M)
  • Apr. 1998 - Mar. 2002, Chuo University, Faculty of Law, Department of International Law and Business

Committee Memberships

  • Oct. 2023 - Present
    Chair, Public Relations Committee, The Japan Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law
  • Aug. 2023 - Present
    Member, Committee of Japanese Digest of International Law, Japanese Yearbook of International Law
  • Nov. 2021 - Present
    Member, Planning Committee, The Japanese Association of International Economic Law
  • Nov. 2021 - Present
    Board Member, The Japanese Association of International Economic Law
  • Apr. 2021 - Present
    Member, Study Group of Internaitonal Economic Law Cases, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Economic Dispute Settlement Division
  • Sep. 2020 - Present
    Member, Website Committee, Japanese Society of International Law
  • Sep. 2017 - Present
    Member, Study Group of WTO Panels and Appellate Body Rulings, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
  • Aug. 2014 - Sep. 2023
    Member, Public Relations Committee, The Japan Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law
  • Jul. 2011 - Dec. 2022
    Secretary, Kyushu International Law Association
  • Sep. 2016 - Aug. 2020
    Member, Steering Committee of Research Conference, Japanese Society of International Law
  • May 2017 - May 2020
    Member, Planning Committee, The Japanese Association of World Law
  • Oct. 2011 - Mar. 2016
    Member, Study Group of WTO Panels and Appellate Body Rulings, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry


  • Significance of “Special and Differential Treatment” in the Free Trade System: From the Perspective of the Theory of Plurality of Norms
    Financial Review, Lead, (155), 6-24, Feb. 2024, Not reviewed, Invited
  • Beagle Channel Case: Narrating International Law in the Midst of Conflict
    Horitsujiho, 96(1), 96-101, Dec. 2023, Not reviewed, Invited
  • Re-examination of the Sources of Law in Global Governance: Towards a Dynamic Theory of Legal Sources
    T. Suami, J. Nakagawa, S. Furuya (eds.), Contemporary Developments in International Economic Law (Shinzansha, 2023)., 171-187, Sep. 2023, Not reviewed, Invited
  • The Movement of Natural Persons from the Perspective of International Economic Law
    International Economic Law Review, Inaugural Issue, 139-160, Sep. 2023, Not reviewed, Invited
  • Flexibility of Norms in International Labour Law: The Situatedness of States and Individuals in Contemporary International Law
    The Journal of International Law and Policy, 121(1), 30-53, May 2022, Reviewed, Invited
  • "Trade Policy on Free Trade Agreements in Asia", "Perspective on the WTO Dispute Settlement System", "Trade Remedies", "Export Control"
    Seokwoo Lee (ed.), Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia, Vol. I, Northeast Asia, 213-218, Dec. 2021, Not reviewed, Invited
  • Regeneration of International Law of Development: Examining International Law of Development (2019)
    M. Yanagihara, K. Morikawa, A. Kanehara, and T. Hamada (eds.), International Legal Order and Global Economy: Liber Amicorum: Professor Isamu Mamiya (Shinzansha, 2021), 431-453, Sep. 2021, Not reviewed, Invited
  • A Critical Stream in the French Doctrine of International Law: Charles Chaumont and the Reims School
    Yearbook of World Law, (40), 1-20, Mar. 2021, Not reviewed, Invited
  • Dynamics Between Multilateralism and Regionalism in Relation to Trade Liberalization and Culture
    Public Policy Review, 16(5), 1-15, Aug. 2020, Not reviewed, Invited
  • The Legal Conception of Institutions of John Rawls: the Influence of H. L. A. Hart’s article “Are There Any Natural Right?
    Journal of Social Science, 71(1), 71-85, Jun. 2020, Not reviewed, Invited
  • “Dynamics Between Multilateralism and Regionalism in Relation to Trade Liberalization and Culture
    Financial Review, (140), 48-60, Nov. 2019, Not reviewed, Invited
  • America First and WTO: Unilateral measures of Trump Administration and Reactions from WTO Members States
    Quarterly Jurist, (30), 15-21, Aug. 2019, Not reviewed, Invited
  • New Evolution of International Law of Development: Exploring the Debate in French-Speaking Countries
    Satoshi Kodera
    The Editorial Board for the Essays in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Law of Seinan Gakuin University (ed.), The Frontiers of Law and Politics in a Time of Great Change (Nippon Hyoron Sha, 2017), 227-244, Nov. 2017, Not reviewed
  • From International Law to International Economic Law: The Politics of Fragmentation and Integration
    Satoshi Kodera
    The Journal of International Law and Diplomacy, 115(3), 27-45, Nov. 2016, Reviewed
  • The Future of International Law of Development: towards New “NIEO
    Satoshi Kodera
    The Chuo Law Review, 120(9・10), 261-290, 2014, Not reviewed
  • Conceptual Framework of the Principle of Equality of States: Evolution of Japanese Doctrine of International Law
    Satoshi Kodera
    The Chuo Law Review, 116(3・4), 221-248, 2009, Not reviewed
  • The Relationship between MFN and GSP in the GATT/WTP Regime
    Satoshi Kodera
    Yearbook of the Japan Association of International Economic Law, (18), 109-126, 2009, Not reviewed
  • Differentiation of Norms in Contemporary International Law: Relationship between international legal norms (II)
    Satoshi Kodera
    The Chuo Law Review, 115(3・4), 221-248, 2008, Not reviewed
  • Plurality of Procedural Norms in the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement Systems
    Satoshi Kodera
    Bulletin of Graduate Studies, Graduate Studies of Law at Chuo University, (36), 1-23, 2007, Not reviewed
  • Plurality of Procedural Norms in the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement Systems
    Satoshi Kodera
    Lead, Mar. 2004, Reviewed


  • James Bacchus, Trade Links: New Rules for a New World (Cambridge University Press, 2022, viii+396 pp.)
    Yearbook of the Japan Association of International Economic Law, (32), 230-234, Nov. 2023, Not reviewed, Invited
  • Kokusaiho no Genzai: Henten suru Gendai Sekai de Ho no Kanousei wo Toi naosu [International Law at Present: the Possibility of Law in the Ever-changing World] edited by Koji Teraya and Kazuyori Ito. Tokyo: Nippon Hyoron Sha, 2020. Pp. xix, 423.
    Japanese Yearbook of International Law, 65, 398-402, Feb. 2023, Not reviewed, Invited
  • Yuka Fukunaga, Trade Dispute and World Trade Organization (Horitsubunkasha, 2022)
    World Economic Review, 66(6), 112, 15 Nov. 2022, Not reviewed, Invited
  • Samantha Velluti, The Role of the EU in the Promotion of Human Rights and International Labour Standards in Its External Trade Relations (Springer, 2020, xviii+359 pp.)
    Yearbook of the Japan Association of International Economic Law, Lead, (31), 222-226, Nov. 2022, Not reviewed, Invited
  • European Union — Cost Adjustment Methodologies and Certain Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports from Russia — (Second complaint) (DS494)
    Report on the WTO Panels and Appellate Body Rulings, Lead, 2021, 1-15, Apr. 2022, Not reviewed, Invited
  • Virginie MERCIER, «Vers un modèle de gouvernance des sociétés résistant aux excès de la mondialisation »
    Maki Nishiumi (ed.), Les résistances à la mondialisation (Chuo University Press, 2022), 37-54, Mar. 2022, Not reviewed, Invited
  • Jean Philippe AGRESTI, « Les résistances à la mondialisation : l’exemple du droit de la famille »
    Maki Nishiumi (ed.), Les résistances à la mondialisation (Chuo University Press, 2022), Lead, 19-25, Mar. 2022, Not reviewed, Invited
  • Evolution in Business and Human Rights: Towards New Legal Design
    Expert Comment of Japanese Society of International Law, 2022-4, 24 Feb. 2022, Reviewed, Invited
  • International Law - Biographical Review 2021
    Yota Negishi; Ryoshi Fukushima
    Horitsu Jiho, 93(13), 197-205, 01 Dec. 2021, Not reviewed
  • United States — Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products (DS58)
    K, Morikawa, A. Kanehara, H. Sakai, and Y. Nishimura (eds.), A Hundred Cases of International Law, 3rd ed. (Yuhikaku, 2021), Lead, 162-163, Sep. 2021, Not reviewed, Invited
  • Australia — Certain Measures Concerning Trademarks, Geographical Indications and Other Plain Packaging Requirements Applicable to Tobacco Products and Packaging (DS435/441)
    Report on the WTO Panels and Appellate Body Rulings 2021, Lead, 2020, Apr. 2021, Not reviewed, Invited
  • International Law - Biographical Review 2020
    Yota Negishi; Fukushima Ryoshi
    Horitsu Jiho, 92(13), 195-203, 01 Dec. 2020, Not reviewed, Invited
  • India — Certain Measures on Imports of Iron and Steel Products (DS518)
    Report on the WTO Panels and Appellate Body Rulings 2019, Lead, 2019, Apr. 2020, Not reviewed, Invited
  • International Law - Biographical Review 2019
    Yota Negishi; Ryoshi Fukushima
    Horitsu Jiho, 91(13), 199-207, 01 Dec. 2019, Not reviewed, Invited
  • Russia — Anti-Dumping Duties on Light Commercial Vehicles from Germany and Italy (DS479)
    Report on the WTO Panels and Appellate Body Rulings 2018, Lead, 2018, Mar. 2019, Not reviewed, Invited
  • Brazil — Certain Measures Concerning Taxation and Charges (DS472/497)
    Report on the WTO Panels and Appellate Body Rulings 2017, Lead, 2017, May 2018, Not reviewed, Invited
  • United States — Countervailing Measures on Certain Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Flat Products from India (DS436)
    Report on the WTO Panels and Appellate Body Rulings 2015, Lead, 2015, May 2016, Not reviewed, Invited
  • European Communities — Measures Prohibiting the Importation and Marketing of Seal Products (DS400)
    Report on the WTO Panels and Appellate Body Rulings 2014, Lead, 2014, Jun. 2015, Not reviewed, Invited
  • United States — Certain Country of Origin Labelling (COOL) Requirements (DS384)
    Report on the WTO Panels and Appellate Body Rulings 2012, 2012, 13 Mar. 2013, Not reviewed
  • United States — Certain Country of Origin Labelling (COOL) Requirements (DS384/386)
    Report on the WTO Panels and Appellate Body Rulings 2011, 2011, 30 May 2012, Not reviewed
  • The Hague Academy of International Law, Collected Courses (1923-)
    Seinan Gakuin University Library Bulletin, Lead, (172), 7-7, Apr. 2012, Not reviewed, Invited
  • Methodological Development of International Law in France: “French Studies of International Law
    The Kyushu Law Association Journal, Lead, 2011, 43-47, Dec. 2011, Not reviewed
  • Differential Treatment in International Law: Current Situation of Problems
    The Kyushu Law Association Journal, 2010, 18-22-22, Nov. 2010, Not reviewed
  • Chad P. Bown, Self-Enforcing Trade: Developing Countries and WTO Dispute Settlement (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institutions Press, 2009, xiv+282p.)
    Yearbook of the Japan Association of International Economic Law, (19), 199-203-203, Oct. 2010, Not reviewed
  • Asif H. Qureshi, Intepreting WTO Agreements: Problems and Perspectives (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006)
    Yearbook of the Japan Association of International Economic Law, (17), 223-227-227, Nov. 2008, Not reviewed
  • Norbert ROULAND, "Le droit français devient-il multiculturel ? (2)"
    Ryo Ogiso; Toru Inaki
    Comparative Law Review, 42(2), 67-88-88, Sep. 2008, Not reviewed
  • Jean-Pierre FERRAND, "L’évolution contemporaine du droit de l’urbanisme français"
    Maki Nishiumi
    Comparative Law Review, 41(3), 25-43-43, Dec. 2007, Not reviewed
  • Norbert ROULAND, "Le droit français devient-il multiculturel ? (1)"
    Ryo Ogiso; Toru Inaki
    Comparative Law Review, 41(3), 83-99-99, Dec. 2007, Not reviewed

Books and other publications

  • Y. Abe, T. Sekine, and Y. Lee (eds.), Issues in International Economic Dispute Settlement
    Joint work, Chapter 5: Stare Decisis in WTO Dispute Settlement
    Shinzansha, Feb. 2024
  • Regulatory Issues in Organic Food Safety in the Asia Pacific (Chapter 5: Evolution of the Organic Japanese Agricultural Standard System: A 20-Year History)
    Bee Chen Goh; Rohan Price, Joint work, Chapter 5: Evolution of the Organic Japanese Agricultural Standard System: A 20-Year History
    Springer, Jun. 2020
  • Introduction to WTO and FTA Law, 2nd ed.
    Tomohiko Kobayashi; Aya Iino; Yuka Fukunaga, Joint work
    Horitsubunkasha, Mar. 2020
  • Y. Abe and T. Sekine (eds.), Legal Issues of International Trade Dispute Settlement
    Joint work, Chapter 5: Reasonable Period of Time in the WTO Dispute Settlement System: Institutional Control of Time in the Compliance Process
    Shinzansha, Dec. 2019
  • Y. Kitamura and M. Nishiumi (eds.), International Law and Cultural Diversity
    Others, Part2, Chapter 3: Preferential Treatment for Developing Countries in the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
    Chuo University Press, Mar. 2017
  • Introduction to WTO and FTA Law
    Tomohiko Kobayashi; Aya Iino; Yuka Fukunaga, Joint work
    Horitsubunkasha, Feb. 2016

Lectures, oral presentations, etc.

  • International Law of Assistance: Theoretical and Practical Implications
    The Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law, Jul. 2024
  • Re-examination of "Sources of Law" in Global Governance
    Satoshi Kodera
    The Japan Association of International Relations, Oct. 2022, The Japan Association of International Relations
  • Flexibility of Norms in International Labour Law: the Situatedness of States and Individuals in International Economic Relations
    Satoshi Kodera
    Japanese Society of International Law, Sep. 2021, Japanese Society of International Law, Invited
  • International Legal Design: Designing International Law
    Satoshi Kodera
    The Institute of Social Sciences, Chuo University, Aug. 2021, The Institute of Social Sciences, Chuo University, Invited
  • Flexibility of Norms in International Labour Law: the Situatedness of States and Individuals in International Economic Relations
    Satoshi Kodera
    Kyushu International Law Association, Jul. 2021, Kyushu International Law Association
  • A Critical Stream in the French Doctrine of International Law: Charles Chaumont and the Reims School
    Satoshi Kodera
    Kyushu International Law Association, Oct. 2020, Kyushu International Law Association, Invited
  • The Reasonable Period of Time in the Dispute Settlement under the WTO and FTAs
    Satoshi Kodera
    Fukuoka Seminar on the Development of Procedural Rules in the WTO and FTAs, Mar. 2018
  • Evolution of International Law of Development: Debates in French-Speaking Countries
    Satoshi Kodera
    Kyushu International Law Association, Jul. 2017, Kyushu International Law Association
  • Discourse Analysis on General International Law and International Economic Law: Politics from Fragmentation to Unity
    Satoshi Kodera
    Japanese Society of International Law, Sep. 2015, Japanese Society of International Law, Invited
  • Discourse Analysis on General International Law and International Economic Law: Politics from Fragmentation to Unity
    Satoshi Kodera
    Kyushu International Law Association, Jul. 2015, Kyushu International Law Association
  • Dispute Settlement in the WTO and Developing Countries: The Significance and Limits of Special and Differential Treatment in the Arbitration under Article 21.3 (c) of the DSB
    Satoshi Kodera
    Kyushu International Law Association, Dec. 2011, Kyushu International Law Association
  • Methodological Development of International Law in France: “French Studies of International Law
    Satoshi Kodera
    Kyushu International Law Association, Jun. 2011, Kyushu International Law Association
  • Differential Treatment in International Law: Current Situation of Problems
    Satoshi Kodera
    Kyushu International Law Association, Jun. 2010, Kyushu International Law Association
  • The Relationship between MFN and GSP in the GATT/WTP Regime
    Satoshi Kodera
    The Japan Association of International Economic Law, Nov. 2008, The Japan Association of International Economic Law


  • Seminar
    Seinan Gakuin University
  • Basic Seminar
    Seinan Gakuin University
  • International Service Learning
    Seinan Gakuin University
  • Introduction to International Relations Law
    Seinan Gakuin University
  • Introduction to Reading English Texts
    Seinan Gakuin University
  • Basics of Legal Studies
    Seinan Gakuin University
  • International Economic Law
    Seinan Gakuin University, University of Nagasaki, Open University
  • International Law
    Seinan Gakuin University, Aomori Chuo Gakuin University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies,
  • Foreign Law
    Seinan Gakuin University

Academic society affiliations

  • Dec. 2023 - Present
    The Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law
  • Dec. 2023 - Present
    The European Society of International Law
  • May 2021 - Present
    International Law Association, Japan Branch
  • Jul. 2020 - Present
    Japanese Society of Law and Psychology
  • Mar. 2015 - Present
    The Japan Association of International Relations
  • Jun. 2012 - Present
    Kyushu Law Association
  • May 2011 - Present
    The Japanese Association of World Law
  • Apr. 2010 - Present
    Kyushu International Law Association
  • Apr. 2010 - Present
    Asian Society of International Law, Japan Chapter
  • Oct. 2007 - Present
    The Japanese Association of International Economic Law
  • May 2007 - Present
    Japanese Society of International Law
  • Oct. 2017 - Oct. 2021
    Society of International Economic Law
  • Apr. 2017 - Apr. 2019
    Asian Society of International Law

Research Themes