Department of Psychology | Professor |
- Apr. 2023 - Present
Seinan Gakuin University, Department of Human Sciences Division of Psychology, 教授 - Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2023
Seinan Gakuin University, Department of Human Sciences Division of Psychology, 准教授 - Oct. 2010 - Mar. 2020
University of Teacher Education Fukuoka, Faculty of Education, 准教授 - Apr. 2009 - Sep. 2010
University of Teacher Education Fukuoka, Faculty of Education, 講師 - Jun. 2008 - Mar. 2009
Kyushu University, School of Education, 助教
- What do Students Look when They Observe a Class? An Exploratory Study Using 360-Degree Movie
Matsuo, Go
西南学院大学人間科学論集, 17(2), 93-109, Feb. 2022, Not reviewed - Reanalysis of Local Authority Achievement Test with IRT and LCGA : Trends of Mathematics Achievement Score Gap
川口 俊明; 松尾 剛; 礒部 年晃; 樋口 裕介
日本テスト学会誌 = Japanese journal for research on testing, 15(1), 122-134, Jun. 2019, Reviewed - The relationship between body movements and learning through explanation
松尾 剛
福岡教育大学紀要. 第4分冊, 教職科編 = Bulletin of University of Teacher Education Fukuoka. 福岡教育大学 編, (67), 91-97, 2018 - Reanalysis of Local Student Achievement Test
川口 俊明; 松尾 剛; 礒部 年晃; 樋口 裕介
Bulletin of University of Teacher Education Fukuoka., (66), 1-13, 2017, Not reviewed - Relationship of Discussion Skills and Emotions
松尾 剛
Bulletin of University of Teacher Education Fukuoka. 福岡教育大学 編, (66), 51-58, 2017, Not reviewed - Assessments and supporting process to anxious children by a childcare expert
杉山 成史; 松尾 剛; 杉村 智子
Bulletin of University of Teacher Education Fukuoka. 福岡教育大学 編, (65), 51-59, 2016, Not reviewed - An interdisciplinary discussion on assessment
川口 俊明; 松尾 剛; 樋口 裕介
Bulletin of University of Teacher Education Fukuoka., (65), 1-13, 2016, Not reviewed - 教育実習生が授業中に経験する感情についての探索的研究
松尾 剛; 萩原 由香
Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Educaton Part 4 Education and psychology, (64), 1-6, 2015, Not reviewed - Teachers' Approach to Sharing Classroom Ground Rules Using Out of Class Contexts
Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Educaton., (64), 99-106, 2015, Not reviewed - A Proposal of a Framework for Assessing Elementary Student's Conversations with Consideration of Data from a Research-based Questionnaire Investigation
山元 悦子; 松尾 剛; 若木 常佳
The bulletin of Japanese curriculum research and development, 37(1), 53-62, 2014, Reviewed - Teacher's Approach to Sharing Ground Rules during Morning Meeting : Categorical and Interpretive Analysis of Classroom Discourse
高垣 マユミ; 松尾 剛; 丸野 俊一
教授学習心理学研究, 9(1), 29-36, Jun. 2013, Reviewed - LMS を活用した自己調整学習環境の構築に関する探索的研究
Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Educaton Part 4 Education and psychology, (63), 1-6, 2013, Not reviewed - The relationship between teachers' emotions and discourse strategy use
松尾 剛
Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Educaton Part 4 Education and psychology, (61), 67-75, 2012, Not reviewed - Exploratory research on web-based collaborative learning environment
松尾 剛
Bulletin of Research Center for Teaching Practice, (19), 183-189, Mar. 2011, Not reviewed - How students learn critical thinking in everyday class
松尾 剛; 丸野 俊一; 山本 俊輔
Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Educaton Part 4 Education and psychology, (60), 91-101, 2011, Not reviewed - The Ways of Teacher's Deployment of Discourse Strategies for More Dialogic Class
ONOUE Takaya; MARUNO Shunichi; MATSUO Go
THE JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY IN TEACHING AND LEARNING, 7(2), 39-55, 2011, Reviewed - The assessment of the undergraduate students' level of knowledge concerning basic statistics: toward the improvement of teaching methods of psychological statistics
大坪 靖直; 黒川 雅幸; 松尾 剛
Bulletin of Research Center for Teaching Practice, (18), 113-117, Mar. 2010, Not reviewed - Toward the improvement of a curriculum for learning-support activities of teacher's college students in elementary school: the interactive effects of the reflection and feedback on the activities
松尾 剛; 杉村 智子
Bulletin of Research Center for Teaching Practice, (18), 119-126, Mar. 2010, Not reviewed - How expert teacher listen students' utterances
松尾 剛; 丸野 俊一
Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Educaton Part 4 Education and psychology, (59), 71-78, 2010, Not reviewed - How can teacher share the implicit rules for collaborative reflective discussion?
松尾 剛; 丸野 俊一
心理学評論, 52(2), 245-264, 2009, Reviewed - Students learn the meaning of classroom ground rules from reflection and from each other: case study of an elementary school class
The Japanese journal of educational psychology., 56(1), 104-115, Mar. 2008, Reviewed - How does an expert teacher create lessons so that children think subjectively and learn from each other?Students' sharing of the ground rules for classroom discussion
The Japanese journal of educational psychology., 55(1), 93-105, Mar. 2007, Reviewed
- 「授業」を支える暗黙のルール--学び合いの場をつくる教師の働きかけ (特集 他者と学ぶ、他者に学ぶ) -- (なぜ「みんなで」勉強するのか?--学童期の学び)
松尾 剛
発達, 32(125), 48-55, 2011, Not reviewed - 子どもが主体的に考え,学び合う授業を熟練教師はいかに実現しているか : 話し合いを支えるグラウンド・ルールの共有過程の分析を通じて(IX 優秀論文賞を受賞して(2007年度))
松尾 剛; 丸野 俊一
教育心理学年報, 48, 231-231, 30 Mar. 2009, Not reviewed
Books and other publications
- ライブラリ 心理学を学ぶ 1 心理学概論
山口裕幸・中村奈良江(編), Others, 第3章 学び合いを支える説明力
サイエンス社, Sep. 2020 - 教師のための説明実践の心理学
山本博樹(編著), Others
ナカニシヤ出版, Oct. 2019 - 未来の教育を創る教職教養指針 第3巻 発達と学習
学文社, May 2018 - ピア・ラーニング: 学びあいの心理学
金子書房, Sep. 2013 - キーワード教育心理学 学びと育ちの理解から教員採用試験まで
永江誠司(編著), Contributor
北大路書房, Mar. 2013 - 授業デザインの最前線Ⅱ 理論と実践を創造する知のプロセス
北大路書房, Apr. 2010 - 授業の研究 教師の学習 レッスンスタディへのいざない
明石書店, Jun. 2008
Research Themes
- Development of VR content to learn the teacher practical cognition
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
01 Apr. 2019 - 31 Mar. 2022 - Quantitative and Qualitative researches on the transition of educational gaps utilizing academic ability surveys conducted by a local government
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Fukuoka University of Education
01 Apr. 2017 - 31 Mar. 2021 - 身体動作を用いたマルチモーダルな教室談話分析の開発と応用
2016 - 2018 - Development of effective child-directed classroom teaching through "discussion and reciprocal learning"
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Kyushu University
18 Nov. 2011 - 31 Mar. 2014 - The role of teachers' emotions in the practice of teaching
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Fukuoka University of Education
2012 - 2014 - Development of collaborative research program for training of Improvised teaching skill creating collaborative classroom
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
Fukuoka University of Education
2009 - 2011